The more time it takes a burglar to break into your home and/or business, the greater the chance he’ll move on. Most burglaries are committed by amateurs. They can be deterred if you take basic security measures seriously…
- Lighting: It is important for your home and/or business to be properly lighted inside and out. Outside, there should be lighting near all doors and windows, illuminating all entry ways. Motion sensor lights are a useful deterrent, as well as leaving on a porch light during the night. Cut back shrubbery to discourage burglars from hiding near window and doors.
- Windows/Doors: For business – the most vulnerable parts of any business are glass areas. In more than half of business burglaries, entry is made by breaking the glass. All rear and side windows should be replaced or covered with iron bars of 26 gauge (or stronger) wire mesh screens. For display windows, smash-resistant window film should be considered. For home – make sure the windows in your home secure with a lock and heavy screening. Windows and sliding glass doors should be secured with auxiliary locks. Special door pins, available at home improvement stores, can prevent your sliding doors from being lifted from their tracks during a burglary attempt. Deadbolt locks should be used on all exterior doors (single or double cylinder with a minimum one inch throw is recommended). Install a peephole in the front door.
- Securing Belongings: Store important documents, firearms, jewelry and other valuables in a safe place such as a lock box or safe. Keep photos and inventory of belongings including receipts and serial numbers for insurance purposes.
Closing/locking up at night:
- For business – leave cash register empty and open. Turn off all computers.
- For home – turn off electronics and computers.
- Finally, secure and check all doors, garage doors, windows, and locks and set alarm before leaving or going to bed.