(Our Marion County Sheriff's Office is located in Florida.)

All employees are bound to strictly adhere to policies and procedures within the Office of Sheriff and comply with state law.  Although the vast majority of citizen complaints can be resolved quickly and efficiently by the employee’s chain of command, some complaints, at the Sheriff’s discretion, will be assigned to the Office of Professional Standards for investigation.

To submit information directly related to MCSO Employee Misconduct, please complete the form linked below. Once completed, the form can be turned into any MCSO Office location or mailed to the following address:

Marion County Sheriff’s Office

P.O. Box 1987, Ocala, Florida 34478

ATTN: Office of Professional Standards

Additionally, if you are submitting information NOT directly related to MCSO Employee Misconduct, you should utilize the Submit a Tip form for the District Office in your area. Complaints about traffic should be submitted through the Traffic Complaint form. Please see the links below for a list of our District Offices and the Traffic Complaint form.

IMPORTANT: If your complaint requires an immediate response, call the numbers provided below instead of submitting the complaint through this portal.

Law Enforcement Emergencies: 911

Law Enforcement Non-Emergencies: (352) 732-9111

Marion County Jail - Detention: (352) 351-8077

Florida State Statute 112.533 provides in part that a complaint filed against a deputy sheriff or a corrections officer shall be confidential until the conclusion of the internal investigation. Section 112.533 further provides that any person who is a participant in an internal investigation, including the complainant, the subject of the investigation, the investigator conducting the investigation, and any witnesses in the investigation, who willfully discloses any information obtained pursuant to the agency’s investigation, including, but not limited to, the identity of the officer under investigation, the nature of the questions asked, information revealed, or documents furnished in connection with a confidential internal investigation of an agency, before such complaint, document, action, or proceeding becomes public record, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.